

Originally in family Sparmanniaceae or Tiliaceae most people now place them in Subfamily
    Grewioideae in the family Malvaceae although Australian states use the original families.
Mabberley recognises 280 species and there are around 12 in Australia.

There are shrub or trees up to around 6 m high as well as climbers.
The leaves are on petioles with small stipules at the base that fall off early.
Leaves are alternate and their shape is variable.
The blade, up to around 7 cm long and 4 cm wide can be obovate, lanceolate or rhombic.
The edge has small teeth or lobes and the tip can be blunt or sharp.
There are a few hairs on both sides.

The inflorescences, with 1 to a few flowers are axillary or terminal.
There may be 2 or 3 in each axil.
The bisexual or unisexual flowers are on pedicels.

There are (4) 5 free sepals and petals.
The petals have a nectary under a flap near the base on the inner surface.
Petals can be purple, pink, yellow or white.

There is an androgynophore with a smooth lower section.
The larger upper section has hairs around the insertion of the numerous stamens.

The ovary, covered in pale hairs has 2 locules with 2 ovule in each.
Each locule may be divided making 4 lobes each with 1 ovule.

The single style has a stigma with very small lobes.

The fruit are drupes with 2 to 4 lobes.
Each lobe has 1 seed.

