

Family Melastomataceae.
There are about 375 species with 1 in Australia.
They are evergreen shrubs or climbers but occasionally small trees.
Leaves, on petioles, are mostly in whorls of 3 or 4.
They can also be opposite and a few are alternate.
They are large, have a pointed tip and 3 to 9 prominent veins.

Inflorescences are mostly cluster of flowers in various arrangements but can be solitary.
They can be terminal or axillary.
They often have large, coloured bracts and bracteoles.
Flowers can have parts in 4’s or 5’s.

The ovoid or bell-shaped hypanthium is smooth.
There may be small, or no sepal lobes on the rim.
The ovate or obovate petals are generally white or pink.

There are 8 or 10 stamens (twice the number of petals).
They are commonly similar but can be in 2 differing sets of 4.
The stamens can be curved or straight.
Anthers open by a terminal pore.
There may be a long or short appendage from the anther connective tissue.

The ovary has 4 or 5 locules – the same number as the petals.
Each locule has numerous ovules with axile placentation.
The fruit are fleshy berries with many, small seeds.

