

Family Rutaceae > Subfamily Aurantioideae > Tribe Clauseneae.
There are about 50 species native to Australia and S. E. Asia.
They are shrubs to small trees usually to around 4 m high but can grow to 8 m.
There are dense, rust-coloured hairs on new growth.

Leaves are almost always alternate, and simple or divided into leaflets.
The short petioles have hairs.
The number of leaflets ranges from 1, 3, 5 to 7 and occasionally up to 15.
Some species always have similar leaves while in others the number of leaflets varies.
Leaflets are narrowly lanceolate.

The inflorescences are terminal and/or axillary.
Young ones have rust-coloured hairs.
There can be 1 to a few flowers or a branched cluster.
The small white, bisexual flowers have parts in 5’s (4’s).

The sepals are joined at the base.
The petals are ovate or elliptic.
The 10 (8) stamens may all be equal or half may be longer than the others.
There may be oil glands on the anthers.

There is a variously shaped nectiferous disc inside the stamens.
The ovary has 2 to 5 locules with 1 or 2 ovules in each.
The style can be long or short and persists on the fruit.
The fruit are juicy or dry, pink or red berries.

