

Family Sapindaceae > Subfamily Dodonaeoideae has about 37 species of Tulipwoods.
There are 8 species in Australia with 6 endemic.
Queensland has 5 species with 3 of them in the south-east.

Most are trees around 6 to 12 m high but they can grow to 24 m.
There are some shrubs around 2 to 7 m high.
There are simple and stellate hairs on young stems, leaves, peduncles and flowers.

Some have simple leaves but in most species they are pinnate.
There are up to 12 leaflets with typically no odd terminal one.
A few species have wings on part or all of the petiole and leaf midrib.
The leaflet edges may occasionally be toothed.

Axillary or terminal inflorescences are branched clusters of unisexual flowers.
They have long peduncles with bracts.

Flowers have 5 small sepals sometimes joined for about 0.5 mm at the base.
There are 5 longer white, greenish or yellowish petals that may have auricles (flaps).
There is a nectiferous disc around the base of the stamens.

Male flowers have 5 to 8 fertile stamens and a rudimentary ovary.
Female flowers have a small ovary with 2 locules and a single style.
The style is commonly bent or twisted.
They have short infertile stamens.

The fruit are 2 lobed loculicidal capsules that may be inflated or compressed laterally.
Fruit can be smooth or have stellate hairs.
The 1 or 2 shiny black seeds in each locule almost always have a large aril.

